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Soybean seeds were treated with Carboxina and Tiram - VitavaxThiram - 200SC ® (300mL 100kg -1 seed), Co-Mo Platinum ® (100mL 50kg -1 seed) and Bradyrhizobium elkanii - Gelfix 5 ® liquid inoculant (100mL 50kg -1 of seeds). Control of pests, diseases and weeds was carried out according to the technical recommendations for the crop. Data were submitted to test of normality (Shapiro-Wilks) and homogeneity of variance (Hartley) for each trial, followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with application of F test (p≤0.05) and means comparison by Tukey test (p≤0.05). In the 2013/14 cropping season there was a severe water deficit during the flowering and grain filling period. Conversely, in the 2014/15 and 2016/17 the water availability was adequate to the crop ( Figure 1). Segunda fase - bet365 ultimas noticias Grupo E. For all evaluated variables, there was no significant effect of the interaction between cultivars and hill-drop patterns. Thus, the data will be presented considering the average between two cultivars.

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Evolução de casos bet365 ultimas noticias de HIV no Brasil. Acesso em 31 jan. 2021. ) BUENO, A relevância de Patricia Hill Collins…, ob. cit. na nota 8. COLLINS, Pensamento feminista negro , ob. Jogo de roleta. As seen in a video clip widely shared on Brazilian social media, Bolsonaro’s wife, Michelle, reacted to the news of the Senate approving Mendonça’s appointment by jumping around and shouting “glory to God” and “hallelujah”. An evangelical pastor’s appointment to the nation’s highest court, coupled with Michelle Bolsonaro’s overtly religious celebration of his approval by Senate, added to the fears that the president and those close to him are working with hardline evangelical forces to erode secularism and democracy in Brazil. Indeed, it is difficult to brush off the idea that Mendonça was appointed to the court due to the perception that his deeply held evangelical beliefs – rather than Brazil’s secular constitution – would guide his decisions on the bench. After all, Bolsonaro had openly declared in 2019 that he plans to appoint someone “terribly evangelical” to the court. But Mendonça’s appointment to the Supreme Court still marks the beginning of a new era of increased evangelical influence in Brazil. Throughout Bolsonaro’s presidency the Supreme Court served as the final, and sometimes only, line of resistance against deeply conservative, and at times discriminatory and dangerous, policies supported by evangelicals on issues like minority rights, abortion access and drugs regulation. Mendonça’s arrival to the bench will likely inhibit the court’s ability to resist such policies and allow evangelicals to increase their influence over Brazilian politics further. During his tenure, for example, Lula started to give federal funds to Record TV (then known as Rede Record) – a TV channel owned by the influential evangelical denomination Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (IURD) – in an effort to reduce the influence of the country’s leading commercial news channel, TV Globo. In other words, while Bolsonaro finally made the evangelical movement a leading political force in Brazil by giving an evangelical pastor a seat in the Supreme Court, it was left-wing politicians such as Rouseff (and Lula) who paved the way for the movement to increase its influence over Brazilian politics over the past two decades. And the Brazilian left in general still appears to play an important, albeit passive, role in the growth of evangelical power in the country to this day.
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