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The above promotion (the “Promotion”) will run from Monday 28th November 2016, 00:00:01 (UK time) until stated otherwise. 2. The Promotion is promoted, operated and hosted at https://livecasino.williamhill.com (the “Website”) and by WHG (International) Limited (“William Hill”) a limited company registered in and operating from Gibraltar. It is a condition on entry of the Promotion that these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) together with the terms and conditions of the Website (“Website Terms and Conditions”) (together referred to as the “Promotion Terms”) are accepted and by entering into the Promotion the entrant agrees to abide by the Promotion Terms. In the case of any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and the Website terms and conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail. 3. The Promotion applies to William Hill Live Casino play only at https://livecasino.williamhill.com , and William Hill Live Casino app. 4.The promotion is only available for new players to live casino who have claimed and bought in with a minimum of £10.

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